Books I read or listened to in 2020


  1. The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger
  2. The Story Gird, Shawn Coyne
  3. Show Dog, Phil Knight
  4. The Go-Giver, Bob Burg
  5. The 5 Essentiaal People Skills, Dale Carnegie
  6. 33 strategies of war, Robert Greene
  7. Building a StoryBrand, Donald Miller
  8. Leonardo da Vinci, Walter Isaacson
  9. Scientific Advertising, Claude Hopkins
  10. Robert Collier Letter Book, Robert Collier
  11. Ultimate Sales Letter, Dan Kennedy
  12. The $12 Million Stuffed Shark, Don Thompson
  13. This Naked Mind, Annie Grace
  14. The MasterMind Marketing System, Jay Abraham
  15. Make Time, Jake Knapp
  16. Caravaggio, Andrew Graham-Dixon
  17. The Tiolet Paper Entrepreneru, Mike Michalowicz
  18. The Library Book, Susan Orlean
  19. In Cold Blood, Truman Capote (didn’t finish)
  20. The Pumpkin Plan, Mike Michalowicz
  21. Duct Tape Marketing, John Jantsch
  22. Robert Fuel, Gino Wickman
  23. Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell Matz
  24. Multipliers, Liz Wiseman (didn’t finish)
  25. Biggest Bluff, Maria Konnikova
  26. The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace Wattles
  27. The Motivation Myth, Jeff Haden
  28. To Sell is Human, Daniel Pink
  29. The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, Gary Keller
  30. Mastermind, Maria Konnikova
  31. Fireproof, Mike Morse
  32. How I Built This, Guy Raz
  33. Let My People Go Surfing, Yvon Chouinard
  34. The Science of Storytelling, Will Storr (just started) *good


  1. The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes
  2. Writing the Breakout Novel, Donald Maass
  3. Lightening Thief, Rick Riordan
  4. Ogilvy on Advertising, David Ogilvy
  5. Mastering Stand-Up, Stephen Rosenfield
  6. The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker
  7. The Dead Zone, Stephen King
  8. McCarthy on Cross-Examination
  9. Set Your Voice Free, Donna Frazier
  10. Lao Tzu – Ursula Le Guin
  11. The Ultimate Marketing Plan, Dan Kennedy
  12. The Story Grid, Shawn Coyne (on audible too)
  13. Perry Marshall, Ultimate Guide to Local Business Marketing, Perry Marshall
  14. Profit First: Transform Your Business, Mike Michalowicz
  15. Genghis Kahn, Frank McLynn
  16. Who: The Method For Hiring
  17. Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg
  18. Vagabonding, Rolf Potts


  1. Confessions of a Persuasion Hitman